Saturday, April 11, 2015

Running Into His Arms

I saw this E:60 video a couple of months ago.  It's about Kayla, a girl who finds out she has MS as a teenager.  She's a competitive athlete, and the way she deals with it is not only inspiring, it's almost unbelievable:

After watching the video, I couldn't help but picture myself as Kayla and her coach as God.  Our Heavenly Father is ALWAYS waiting to catch us!  He encourages us throughout our lives as we race towards our ultimate goal of Heaven, waiting with His arms outstretched.  Without God there to catch us, we would keep running forever, searching for our end/purpose - but because He's with us through the whole thing, He helps us spiritually and physically find our purpose in life.

It doesn't mean it's going to be an easy race.  Remember how Kayla got there?  Because she had a life-altering moment, and she had to choose between giving up & falling into despair OR trying a new path that could lead her to a greater glory.  And her coach is there, "pushing her just the right amount" (as her mom says) - and she listens and responds to Him.  She has faith that he has her best interests at heart and knows what it will take to accomplish those goals.  THAT is exactly what God does for us.  He is urging us on, helping us become the best versions of ourselves that we can be - and the way we get there is by responding, taking action based on the way He is calling each of us.  If you fall?  Get back up and just keep heading for that finish line!  The times when you have to come back from behind will help you desire Our Father's arms even more.

And at the end of the race, He is there for us!  We might be completely worn out, unable to rely on our own emotions and bodies, but that's okay - because we let Him catch us.  We don't have to do it on our own!  Kayla flat out says that she trusts her coach with her life, and she repeats again and again "please help me" - because she knows that she needs her coach.  It's heartbreaking in the moment, but it is beautiful!  It's beautiful because, with the help of her coach and the community of people at the end of the race, she will get through the pain and will win the race in more ways than one.  She does it because it makes her feel whole.  Our challenge is to let Kayla's response to her coach become our response to God so that one day, we can join together with God & all the saints in Heaven and feel whole.

Heavenly Father, please help me.
I know You're waiting to catch me with arms wide open.
I trust You with my life.
Help me give it my all.

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