Friday, April 17, 2015

"Cute af" & the Concept of Beauty

OK, I just have to rant for a second.  What's up with this phrase "cute af"?  Why is it so popular, and why are girls the ones who are using it all the time?  It is so disturbing to me that so many of the teens and young adults out there (many of them my teens, who I truly care about!) are using this phrase!  If you don't know what this is, I apologize for taking this small piece of innocence away from you, but it means "cute as f***."  (NOW do you see why this is so disturbing?!)  Girls will comment under their friends' Instagram selfies that they look "cute af", and sometimes the poster even labels herself by saying she's "feeling cute af" today.  Seriously - no matter what the context, it is a disgusting, volatile, makes-me-want-to-vomit-because-I'm-so-concerned-about-the state-of-our-culture kind of phrase.  It pierces my heart whenever I see it!  (Just ask my friends - they can confirm how much I distaste this phrase, with text message conversations to prove it!)

I don't say this to degrade the teens and women out there who have used this, but for the love of all that is good and holy, can we please think about what it is that "cute af" means?  Actually, let's start with what it doesn't mean:

It doesn't mean beautiful.
It doesn't mean desired by a pure heart.
It doesn't mean attractive in body and spirit.
It doesn't mean loveable.

Nope, it means exactly what it says - it means that you look like you are ready to lay down on a bed and fully expose yourself to a man.  That word is not the same as wanting to "make love" to someone, which is what sex should be doing - embodying the love that a man and a woman have for each other so that their bodies become one flesh as their lives become one life - no, that word means that someone wants to use you to get some pleasure before moving on to the next thing that gets him aroused.  Just.....ew. 

And what makes that knife in my heart twist around is the fact that it comes out of a beautiful and holy longing to be desired, cherished, and loved.  As women, we want to be fought for!  We don't need to be rescued as if we were a damsel in distress, but we want a man who is willing to go out on a limb and pursue a lasting, meaningful relationship with us, right?  (At least, that's what I'm hoping for!)  I want to be loved - not used, not manipulated, not told that I'm cute just so that I'll give him something, but LOVED!  Sure, I want to look good, but I want to do it in a way that leads me and others around me to holiness, not into bed.  Let's stop using this horrific phrase under our friends' pictures and instead say what we really mean:

You look stunningly beautiful today!
I like you just for who you are!
Being with you inspires me to be a better person!
I love you!

You've got that right, Ryan!

(image from Made In His Image's Facebook Page - check them out!

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